Program Description
This semester-long course is team-based and has limited enrollment. You can join the course as an individual or as a team.
Students will self-organize into teams and establish individual roles on their own. In addition to the course instructors, each team will be assigned a mentor (an experienced entrepreneur, service provider, consultant or investor), and a point of contact for the problem sponsor.
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How to Participate
This is a team-based course and has limited enrollment by permission only. Enrollment is by individual or teams of four students from any college, department, or program. Working and studying will be done in teams. There are three ways to join the course: as an individual, as a team, or as a team/individual with your own problem
Exceptions for team size and external members will be made on a case-by-case basis.
This is very intense course with a very high workload. We expect you to invest at least 10-15 hours per week outside of scheduled course meetings.
Attendance & Participation
You must attend the first class, unless you have prior instructor approval.
This is very intense course with a very high workload. If you cannot commit to 10-15 hours a week outside the classroom, this course is not for you.
If during the semester you find you cannot continue to commit the time, immediately notify your team members and teaching team.
If you expect to miss a class, please notify the teaching team and your team
members ahead of time.
We expect your attention during our presentations and those of your fellow students.
We ask that you use a name card during every session.
During your classmates’ presentations you will be required to give feedback.